
henry every death

His other traits is described as loyal, peaceful and kind because he was good in responsible and that when he grew up into a pirate legendary. Every's 113-person crew then fashioned their hasty escape, vanishing from the island with only twenty-four men ever captured, five of whom were executed. "[65] In any case, after several hours of stubborn but leaderless resistance, the ship surrendered. Dramatist and critic John Dennis wrote a letter to the Master of the Revels criticizing him for licensing the play, which he blasted as "a prostitution of the stage, an encouragement to villainy, and a disgrace to the theater. Fancy was then handed over to the governor, who found that extra bribes—fifty tons of ivory tusks, one hundred barrels of gunpowder, several chests of firearms and ammunition, and an assortment of ship anchors—had been left in the hold for him. In any case, if one accepts the EIC's estimate of £325,000, Rogoziński writes that even then "only two or three times in history did criminals take more valuable loot. [3] In 1712, playwright Charles Johnson published his highly romanticized tragicomedy The Successful Pyrate. "[75] When Snead's persistence started to irritate the governor, the magistrate was reprehended: He [Markham] called me rascal and dared me to issue my warrants against these men, saying that he had a good mind to commit me. She they abused very much, and forced severall other Women, which Caused one person of Quality, his Wife and Nurse, to kill themselves to prevent the Husbands seing them (and their being) ravished.[71]. By Marco Margaritoff. [100] The bankers (particularly Dann) were duped by fraudster Thomas Brerewood, one of their clients, and in 1710 the bank became insolvent. Although the convoy had managed to elude the pirate fleet during the night, the pirates gave chase. Preferring the former choice for the sake of his reputation, he alerted the authorities as to the pirates' whereabouts, but was able to tip off Every and his crew before the authorities arrived. "[110], Fateh Muhammed's cargo was valued to £50,000–60,000 according to the estimate provided by Dann at his trial;[63] this amount is worth some $30 million in modern currency. It is thus possible that the ballad was written and distributed as a way to convict Every. [16] According to the deposition of William Phillips, a member of Every's crew who gave a "voluntary confession" after his capture, in August 1696 Every was "aged about 40 years," his mother lived "near Plymouth," and his wife was a periwig seller who lived "in Ratcliffe Highway. Lastly, there was also the bribe to consider, which was three times Trott's annual salary of £300.[83]. He must have known that the ship's crew were not merely unlicensed slavers, likely noting the patched-up battle damage on Fancy. Houblon personally went aboard the ships and met the crew, reassuring them of their pay. [8], It has been suggested that the EIC argued for the lowest estimate when paying reparations for Every's raid, with the company's president naturally wanting the most conservative estimate in order to pay as little for the damages as possible. After his death, she quietly married her true love, Thomas Seymour. Ce célèbre pirate de l'océan indien est né en Angleterre prés de Plymouth en 1675. Here Every's crew rested and took on provisions, later capturing a passing French pirate ship, looting the vessel and recruiting some forty of the crew to join their own company. Midwinter, 1732), considered an unreliable (and slightly expanded) reprint of Johnson's General History. This article is more than 2 months old. A slightly modified copy was delivered to the Privy Council of England by Sir James Houblon on 10 August 1694, where it was used as evidence during the inquiry on the mutiny. [22][24] On 29 August of that year, Every was discharged from the Royal Navy.[25][26]. Becoming captain of the Fancy, Avery eventually left the Royal Navy, seeking out riches for gain. ", harvnb error: no target: CITEREFLaughton1908 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBurgess2009 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFElliot1877 (, The red version of Every's flag appears in, The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians, Luís Carlos Inácio Xavier de Meneses, 1st Marquis of Louriçal, A Copy of Verses, Composed by Captain Henry Every, Lately Gone to Sea to seek his Fortune, List of fugitives from justice who disappeared, "The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series)", "America and West Indies: May 1698, 11–14", "America and West Indies: August 1698, 6–10", "Doctor Who Curse of the Black Spot Prequel Trailer", "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End – Gameplay Trailer", Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law, Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island,, Articles with dead external links from April 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Pages which use embedded infobox templates with the title parameter, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Uncertain (proposed 1699–1714, aged 40–55), At least 11 vessels captured by September 1695, including the, A pirate captain named "Avery" is repeatedly mentioned in the 1966, Henry Every is mentioned repeatedly in the TV series, Henry Avery is featured in the video game, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 05:45. [106][107] The total value of the treasure on board has been estimated as being anywhere from £100,000 to £875,000 (£500,000 in diamonds and £375,000 in other cargo),[108] all of which was divided among the crews of Cassandra and Victory, captained by Taylor and Levasseur respectively. 15 or 20 loyal sailors who refused to join the mutiny had shared their knowledge of Every upon returning to England, where it was quickly turned into a ballad. [92] The government assembled the most prominent judges in the country to attend the trial, consisting of presiding judge Sir Charles Hedges, Lieutenant of the High Court of Admiralty; Sir John Holt, Chief Justice of the King's Bench; Sir George Treby, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; and six other prominent judges. The meaning of the nickname "Long Ben," which appears in usage as early as 1693, is unclear. [97] Dawson, the only defendant to plead guilty, was granted a reprieve. And when the Captain was got out of Bed, who was then very ill of a Feaver, Every came and said, I am a Man of Fortune, and must seek my Fortune.[37]. In the next several months, fifteen of the pirates were brought to trial and six were convicted. The barren island was uninhabited, but the men were able to catch fifty of the sea turtles that crawled ashore to lay their eggs on the beach, providing them enough food for the rest of the voyage. Charles II was renamed the Fancy and Every elected as the new captain. [h][55] While Fateh Muhammed's treasure of some £50,000 to £60,000 was enough to buy Fancy fifty times over,[56] once the treasure was shared out among the pirate fleet, Every's crew received only small shares. "[67] At any rate, the survivors were left aboard their emptied ships, which the pirates set free to continue on their voyage back to India. [14][15] Parish records suggest that he was the son of John Every and his wife, Anne (maiden name unknown); the Every family of Devon was quite established at the time, and it is likely he was a kinsman of the Every family of Wycroft Castle. Although harboring pirates became more dangerous for the colonial governors over time, only seven of Every's crew were tried between 1697–1705, and all of these were acquitted.[75]. [12], The plunder of Emperor Aurangzeb's treasure ship had serious consequences for the English, coming at a time of crisis for the East India Company (EIC), whose profits were still recovering from the disastrous Child's War. [119] The couple then flee the Mughal's army to Saint Mary's Island, where Every sets up a pirate utopia similar to the fictional pirate state of Libertalia. Every then renamed Charles II the Fancy—a name which reflected both the crew's renewed hope in their journey and the quality of the ship—and set a course for the Cape of Good Hope. [7] Here the crew shared out £1,000 (roughly £93,300 to £128,000 today)[i] per man, more money than most sailors made in their lifetime. Every was elected admiral of the new six-ship pirate flotilla despite the fact that Tew had arguably more experience, and now found himself in command of over 440 men while they lay in wait for the Indian fleet. The French and Danes decided to leave Every's crew, preferring to stay in Bourbon. [50], In early 1695, Fancy finally rounded the Cape of Good Hope, stopping in Madagascar where the crew restocked supplies, likely in the area of St. Augustine's Bay. Bideford Anglie) byl anglický pirát, jeden z nejznámějších z konce 17. století, model pro románovou postavu kapitána Singletona spisovatele Daniela Defoe.Během svého života působil hlavně v Atlantském a Indickém oceánu. Henry Every, also known as Henry Avery (20 August 1659 – time of death uncertain), sometimes erroneously given as Jack Avery or John Avery, was an English pirate who operated in the Atlantic and Indian oceans in the mid-1690s. [64], Muhammad Hashim Khafi Khan, a contemporary Indian historian who was in Surat at the time, wrote that, as Every's men boarded the ship, Ganj-i-sawai's captain ran below decks where he armed the slave girls and sent them up to fight the pirates. [35], After a few months in port, the men petitioned their captain for the pay they should have received since their employment began. [61] Every is known to have captured at least eleven vessels by September 1695, including Ganj-i-Sawai. His crew members were sighted in the Carolinas, New England, and in Pennsylvania, where some even bribed Governor William Markham for £100 per man. This caused considerable damage to England's fragile relations with the Mughals, and a combined bounty of £1,000—an immense sum at the time—was offered by the Privy Council and the East India Company for his capture, leading to the first worldwide manhunt in recorded history.[10][c]. le navire pirate Playmobil 3750 commercialisé en 1990 arbore le pavillon d'Henry Avery. [54][60] With Amity and Dolphin left behind, only Fancy, Pearl, and Portsmouth Adventure were present for the actual battle. [65][66] Khafi Khan's account of the battle, appearing in his multivolume work The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians, places blame squarely on Captain Ibrahim for the failure, writing: "The Christians are not bold in the use of the sword, and there were so many weapons on board the royal vessel that if the captain had made any resistance, they must have been defeated. John Avery; the Famous English Pirate, Now in Possession of Madagascar (London: J. Baker, 1709). A ferocious hand-to-hand battle then ensued, lasting two to three hours. By joining the pantheon of other "noble pirates," including Francis Drake and Henry Morgan, Every doubtlessly inspired many others to take up piracy. Dann escaped the hangman by turning King's witness. Every began his pirate career while he was first mate aboard the warship Charles II. Henry Flower Every was born circa 1831. [10] The Crown also promised to exempt Every from all of the Acts of Grace (pardons) and amnesties it would subsequently issue to other pirates. About 75 of Every's crew sailed to North America in hopes of escaping the transcontinental manhunt. This victory gave Every an opportunity to better his fortunes and by the end of July he was promoted to Master's mate, although he was probably the most junior of HMS Rupert's three Master's mates. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. However, he remained in England, having received on 9 August 1698 an, "Order for one Dann, lately Every's mate but pardoned, to attend the Board to-morrow. In April 1721, John Taylor and Olivier Levasseur captured the 700-ton Portuguese galleon Nossa Senhora do Cabo ("Our Lady of the Cape"), bound to Lisbon from the Portuguese colony of Goa. En raison de ce délai mais surtout à cause du retard du paiement de leurs gages, 85 marins se révoltèrent au bout de quatre mois sous la conduite de Henry Avery, contremaître du Duke, l'un des vaisseaux. [1] Aside from Emperor Aurangzeb's fleet, one of the more fruitful prizes was Rampura, a Cambay trading ship that produced the "surprising haul of 1,700,000 rupees."[112]. Later accounts would tell of how Every himself had found "something more pleasing than jewels" aboard, usually reported to be Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb's daughter or granddaughter. During Every's career, the government used the media to portray him as a notorious criminal in an effort to sway public opinion on piracy, but the result has been described as a "near-total failure. The play was not without its detractors, however. Popular accounts state that Every served aboard the English fleet bombarding Algiers in 1671, buccaneered in the Caribbean Sea, and even captained a logwood freighter in the Bay of Campeche, although these stories come from Van Broeck's fictional memoir. For the next several months the pirates spent most of their time living in relative boredom. Il est surnommé The Arch Pirate and The King of Pirates (" le roi des pirates" ). Houblon refused to acquiesce to these demands, but Admiral O'Byrne, seeing the seriousness of the situation, wrote to England asking for the money owed to his men. Every may have been a cousin of the well-known Every baronets, though this has not been proven conclusively.[16]. According to Charles Ellms, Every's words to Gibson were, "if you have a mind to make one of us, we will receive you; and if you turn sober, and attend to business, perhaps in time I may make you up of my lieutenants; if not, here's a boat, and you shall be set on shore. There is no coming back from death. However, on 6 May some of the sailors were involved in an argument with O'Byrne, and it was probably around this time that they conceived of a plan to mutiny and began recruiting others. [61], Ganj-i-sawai, captained by one Muhammad Ibrahim, was a fearsome opponent, mounting eighty guns and a musket-armed guard of four hundred, as well as six hundred other passengers. While awaiting his execution, Kennedy's favorite pastime was recounting tales of Every's adventures. Although a number of his crew were subsequently arrested, Every himself eluded capture, vanishing from all records in 1696; his whereabouts and activities after this period are unknown. The latter estimate was the value provided by the Mughal authorities, while the EIC estimated the loss at approximately £325,000, nevertheless filing a £600,000 insurance claim. Then I went to my Cabin, and presently came orders from Every, that those that would go ashore, should prepare to be gone. Today Chris Henry, a young professional football player died as a result of injuries from a domestic dispute. More reliable sources indicate that there was an exchange of clipped coins between the crews of Pearl and Fancy, with Every's outraged men confiscating Pearl's treasure. [124] Arriving over a decade after Adrian van Broeck's memoir, Johnson's "historical" account revealed that Every was cheated of his wealth after attempting to sell his ill-gotten goods, in the end "not being worth as much as would buy him a coffin." "[110] In comparison, the EIC's estimate of £325,000 for Ganj-i-Sawai's goods equals "at least $200 million. 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