GOTO :EOF, :RETRYCLEAN1 Wow, what kind of directory junction has no target or linktype?? If you use the information on this website, or on any of its blog entries, you do so solely at your own risk. ECHO Retrying clean of user profile %USERREG% %%f IN ('echo %USERREG%') DO SET USERREGPARSE=%%f Double-click the setting called “Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart“, Enable the option, and pick a day from the list. His site is well documented and it looks pretty straightforward. PS C:\> net user ali /delete The command completed successfully. echo # you will be prompted for approving offical # To Remove User Account. if UserDeleteJoin_Skip=="" (set userdelete=%1 & set UserDeleteJoin_Skip=1) ELSE (set userdelete=%1,%userdelete%) 1. GOTO USERCHECK, :USERCHECK @ECHO OFF Read this article “Remove User Profile correctly in Windows 10“. When you run the above command from elevated command prompt: C:\>net localgroup administrators techblogger /delete. Delete User Account and Profile. How to Fix This When Your Browser Is Stuck, 3 security mistakes you’re making right now with your online financial transactions, Configuring DNS Forwarders in Windows Server 2016, How to add DNS services to Windows Server 2016, 1 proven trick to try if you forgot your Windows password, Delete HKEY_USERS\[SID]\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders, Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\[SID]. Open Computer Management, and go to "Local Users and Groups -> Users. ), echo Total Profiles Cleaned is %profiles% Step-1 Run Command Prompt as administrator, as we did in Step-1above. You can also tap the ⊞ Win button to do this.Step 2, Type "Command Prompt" into your Start menu's search bar. Ha! Any views expressed in this website and any information presented on this website, or in any of its blog entries, should not be relied on for any purpose whatsoever other than as the personal opinions of the website owner. But it has a ReparsePoint attribute and a … Navigate to Windows drive and Users folder to see all user account profiles. Let’s hunt it down so we can clean it up. We're always removing old profiles and recycling machines. 1. Step 1: Type “ net user ” without “” to check the user accounts and decide which one to remove. Most of the users tend to do it using control panel. echo #################################################### set /p days2=How many days to keep? The Intelligent Guide to Using Google Chrome, published over two dozen popular control panel commands, can downloaded directly from Helge’s blog, Changing the icon size in Windows is super easy, How to disable User Account Control like a pro, How To Protect Yourself from the Meltdown Bug, Resolving Host? IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO VERIFYERROR Go ahead and open the Registry as an Administrator. set /a profiles=%profiles%+1 To delete a user account you can use the control panel and navigate to user accounts and delete the account or you can also delete user account using command line. Under Profiles stored on this computer, click the user profile you want to delete, and then click Delete. User profiles can grow large and may take up considerable disk space, especially if there are several users using one computer. echo. Open Registry Editors: a. Win+R : regedit (run) b. Win+Q: regedit (search option) Browse by following the path below: -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList [SID] Check on each folder until you found the profile that you want to delete. A message will appear in next line that “ The command completed successfully .”. The website owner also expressly disclaims any liability for the current or future availability of any such information. Even WMI can't delete the profile, nor powershell. rmdir /s "C:\Users\%USERREG%" /s /q > NUL ECHO Skipping user clean for %USERREG% 4. echo. Description. Step 6: Reboot the system . FOR /f "tokens=3,4" %%b in ('reg query %1 /v ProfileImagePath') DO SET USERREGPATH=%%b %%c Delete C:\Users\[account name] 2. But not only are you not getting the full picture when you do this, it's also troublesome due to potential file system access problems. FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=." GOTO :EOF, :CLEAN Expand the Users folder, right-click the user and you can set password, delete, or rename the user account. Get-Content -Path "\\path\to\computers.txt" | ForEach-Object { $compArray += $_ } IF [%USERERROR%]==[YES] ( FOR /f "tokens=3,4" %%h in ('reg query %1 /v ProfileImagePath') DO SET USERREGPATHV=%%h %%i @adian_ych, I was working on a Powershell script that deleted user profiles with the exception of the Administrator for use on some of our Remote Desktop servers, it is a bit simple and needs some work but happy to send it on to you if you want to play with it. Type “net user “Username’/delete” next to the “C:\Windows\system32>” line. Step 3. ... Execute this command from a domain controller: Open a command prompt. Thank you, Select the profile to zap and click the Delete button below it. set userpreserve="All Users,Default,Default User,Public,cgb30,cgb30-lib,colette,colette-lib,ajw57,ajw57-lib,ad-lib,wilshire-lib,wilshire,setup", FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist"^|find /i "s-1-5-21"') DO CALL :REGCHECK "%%a" If yes, then just delete the profile folder. The owner of this website and its blog posts shall not be held liable, and shall be held harmless, for any errors or omissions in any information or representations contained in this website, or in any of its blog entries. In the black dialog box of cmd, type “net users” next to “C:\Windows\system32>” and hit “Enter” to see all the account in the Windows 10. } I’m aware the SID is long and it’s hard to know if you’ve got the right one so I always like to verify that I’m deleting the right registy key by checking the ProfileImagePath in the right pane. Be the first to hear about my new Windows 10 online course! The website owner expressly disclaims any and all liability for any information presented on this site. It should display a long, seemingly arbitrary, number that begins like this: This SID denotes the registry key that contains that domain user’s preferences. If you have a corrupt profile in Windows 10 there are two easy ways to remove it and rebuild it: 1: REMOVE CORRUPT WINDOWS PROFILE USING GUI: CONTROL PANEL > SYSTEM AND SECURITY > SYSTEM > ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS (from the menu on the LEFT); Click SETTINGS button in the USER PROFILES section; Click on the user that has issues and click the DELETE button (note that you can not delete … Check on each folder until you found the profile that you want to delete. We can use the below commands to delete a user account using windows command prompt. You should also delete the corresponding SID key from the Profile List. echo # This is the requestor of the profile wipe! Here you can see it matches the account I want to remove so I can safely delete this key by right clicking the [SID] in the left pane and choosing Delete. Windows 10 has a unique problem in version 1809 with the "Office" app creating strangely linked files and directories under the user profile. IF ["%SPACECHECK%"]==[""] GOTO REGCHECK2 GOTO REPORT, :REGCHECKV If you manually deleted the domain user folder from C:\Users we need to make clean up a few registry keys before we can call it day. Invoke-Command -ComputerName $compArray -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $excludedList -ThrottleLimit 50. It's easy to take a peek at user profiles on the file system on a single Windows computer. #Remove all non-active and non-system designated user profiles not used within the past month, displaying verbose output as well. To delete a user from Remote desktop users group: net localgroup "Remote desktop users" username /delete. $scriptBlock = { Windows 10; A mandatory user profile is a roaming user profile that has been pre-configured by an administrator to specify settings for users. FOR /f "tokens=*" %%g IN ('reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist"^|find /i "s-1-5-21"') DO CALL :REGCHECKV "%%g" Fix Corrupted User Profile Using Registry Editor; Create New User and Transfer Files from Old to New User Account. Oh, and I’ll refer to SID: S-1-5-21-3285709036-2449454244-3312884745-1105 as [SID] to save myself from typing this thing out. All these profile settings are stored in the folder with the name of the user you created on the local drive C: \ in the Users folder (C: \ Users \). # set SPACECHECK= ECHO Retrying clean of user profile %USERREG% If not, then congratulations. IF ERRORLEVEL=0 GOTO SKIP, :DELETECHECK In this short post we will see the steps on how to delete user account using command line. Delete user account profile in Windows make trouble for most Windows users. GOTO:USERPRESERVE, :UserDeleteJoin ECHO %userdelete%|find /I "%USERREGPARSE%" > NUL If that can't delete the folder, then there's most likely a file system problem. Finding and deleting those is an extra step. set SPACECHECKV= This is my way of recycling PC without re-installing anything. You can not delete user profile like a simple folder. Double click on a user account to learn more about its properties and settings, including the groups that it is part of. Step 1, Open your PC's Start menu. then right click it and choose Run as Administrator. GOTO USERCHECK, :REGCHECK2 /user: Use this net command option to specify a username to connect to the resource with. You can turn on this Group Policy that automatically deletes any user profiles older than a certain period of days on system restart, or use a command-line tool like Delprof2.And of course, you can also use PowerShell to accomplish the same as well. I prefer the WMI methode. } With these two methods, you can delete user account profile correctly. It is a command-line utility that you can use to delete user profiles on a local or remote computers running Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. For example: if you want to delete the user account named computer, then the command line net user computer /del. IF ["%SPACECHECKV%"]==[""] GOTO REGCHECKV2 The command completed successfully. In the System Properties screen, click the Advanced tab and choose the middle Settings button to open your User Profile settings. Use this free tool to delete domain user profile from Windows as well as delete a local user profile. You have successfully deleted the local user profile. There’s actually a whole array of common control panel tools you can kick off from the command line. If your Windows 10 PC is joined to a domain, you can remove the PC from the domain if needed. -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\[SID], 3. exit, Yep, this is a good method of removing old profiles. ; Execute this command from a workstation where you have domain admin rights. ECHO %USERPRESERVE%|find /I "%USERREGPARSE%" > NUL goto:eof, :USERPRESERVE When adding a new account in Windows, a profile is automatically created for the account that contains your various settings for this user. For instance if the account name is Example, then you type: net user “Example”/delete. #Invoke Remove-UserProfile on Many Remote Computers, Passing in Arguments I hope Action1 will help to delete user profile. FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=." GOTO VERIFY, :REGCHECK When you need to delete the user profile from a domain joined PC we need to do three things: Alternately, we can run sysdm.cpl and delete the User Account from the User settings under the Advanced Tab. GOTO USERCHECKV, :USERCHECKV The proper way s to remove the user via the "User Accounts" in the Control Panel, followed by removing the profile via System Properties -. Open Start. Step-2 In command line type this command net user UserName /del Where: UserName = Name of the user account that you want to delete All I need to do is zap the folder inside C:\Users that matches the username of the domain joined user. #This Example Utilizes Windows Workflow Foundation Technology, Available in PowerShell V3 and Above Remove-UserProfile -Exclude @("labadmin", "desktopuser") -DirectoryCleanup In rare occasions users create folders and store files directly off of the C: drive. set RESULT=FAILURE Below are few more examples for net localgroup command. Remove-UserProfile -Before (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1) -Verbose Keep in mind that you need to be logged in as a local administrator and the user whose profile you wish to delete can’t be logged in. If only someone creates a script to wipeout all the profiles except administrator and default profile (needs to be login as administrator). function Remove-UserProfile # Then right-click the Users folder and select New User to add a new user for Windows 10., I use this script to delet old profiles, PS C:\> Note: When you remove a user with net user command line, the profile’s of deleted user account remains in the user profiles folder. Last of all, Helge Klein has a little tool that claims to do it all for you. There's a better way and that's through WMI or CIM. Good information to know. ECHO Cleaning user profile for %USERREG% Easy! function Remove-UserProfile You can see the all user account. } echo # this tool is to only be used on common use # User Profiles. Pay attention to the Security Identifier (SID) in the status bar at the bottom of the Registry Editor. Sysdm.cpl (that’s a lowercase “L”) opens the System Properties screen from the command line. When you need to delete the user profile from a domain joined PC we need to do three things: 1. Delete HKEY_USERS\[SID]\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 3. echo # you wish to start the clean at. Another method that displays all user accounts, including hidden users or disabled ones, involves using Computer Management. Remove-UserProfile -Exclude $args Delete User Account Using Command Line. IF ERRORLEVEL=0 GOTO CLean FOR /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('reg query %1 /v ProfileImagePath') DO SET USERREGPATH=%%g Simply look in the C:\Users folder. You must delete it manually from user profile setting. echo # Computers, to clear old profiles # GOTO :EOF, :VERIFY How to see all Windows 10 accounts using Command Prompt. GOTO :EOF, :RETRYCLEAN2 It’s safer – especially on Windows 10++. Alongside using Settings and Computer Management, you can also view a full list of existing accounts configured on Windows 10 using Command Prompt. FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1 delims=" %%P IN (%TEMP%\users.temp) DO CALL:UserDeleteJoin %%P echo # # OK to apply the change. #Remove all non-active and non-system designated user profiles except "labadmin" and "desktopuser", and remove additional non-profile files/folders within C:\Users as well. $compArray = @() Thank you, This PowerShell Script can solve this problem, #Remove all non-active and non-system designated user profiles from the local computer. Please note that, in order to add or delete users, you'll need to be on an Administrator account. FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%e in ('echo %USERREGPATH%') DO SET USERREG=%%e After backing up the registry we need to search for the domain account name but instead of taking a hours to purse the entire registry, just click HKEY_USERS in the left pane, press Ctrl + f and enter the username of the account folder you just ousted. Remove-UserProfile Users are allowed (or restricted) to access resources depending upon the permissions they have. FOR /f "tokens=2" %%j in ('echo %USERREGPATHV%') DO SET SPACECHECKV=%%j GOTO USERCHECKV, :REGCHECKV2 If you want to remove user profile correctly and completely from your system, follow the step by step article until you have deleted the user account and removed a user profile from your system drive and get free your hard disk. Click through the registry and select the [SID] you just sent to oblivion in the previous step. FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%l in ('echo %USERREGPATHV%') DO SET USERREGV=%%l The net user command is available from within the Command Prompt in most versions of Windows including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server operating systems, and some older versions of Windows, too. By proceeding to access, you expressly acknowledge, and agree to, all of the following: is a personal website and blog owned by Security Plus Pro LLC, which is being presented for informational purposes only. %%m IN ('echo %USERREGV%') DO SET USERREGPARSEV=%%m Q and A (8) Verified on the following platforms. We actually have to run it twice, as some folders will randomly stay in a user's profile, even though they are empty. How to delete user profiles older than a specified number of days in Windows ... Powershell, Windows, delete user profiles, user profiles older than X days. We use Delprof2. Check you User profile's folder if it still exists. A second run removes these files. You can open everything from the Date/Time properties to your Internet Properties all from the Run box. Hmm, that sounds reasonable but it’s actually insufficient because vestiges of the registry remain and we need to axe those too. Step 2: Type in command prompt window “ net user /delete
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