
need to educate the girl child article

Boys need to know about ejaculation and wet dreams. Sexual behaviour. 2. The social and economic aspects of the nation will b affected. The present day girl is the mother of tomorrow. A woman has the maximum impact on the social, economical decisions making in the family generally. Educating the girl child refers to every aspect of education that aims at developing the skill and k n owledge of girls and women. Education for a girl child means making the next generation well educated full of virtues free from the useless superstitions confident and capable to do something good for the family for the society and for the country as a whole. Yes! The winners will provide content on … It also focuses on promoting awareness about the rights of a girl child and generates awareness on the importance of girl education, health, and nutrition. Literally meaning ‘Educate the Girl Child, Save the Girl Child’ the Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao Scheme is an ambitious scheme of the Government of India which is intended to generate massive awareness, improvement of quality of welfare services for females and … A girl’s education changes everything. Thus investing the money for her education is regarded as waste. Started in 2008, purpose of the day is to highlight the hardships women face in the society "When you educate a girl, you educate a nation" Find out more about how we catalyze the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa. VIDEO de la LXXVIII Cátedra Libre Marcelo Quiroga: “Ciencia, tecnología y conocimiento virtual como herramientas en tiempos de pandemia”. Educate a girl child to promote the weak section of the society. In this article, we are going to discuss the girl child education in Nigeria enlisting in the process why it is so important. But, the irony in India is that although the deity of education is a female i.e. News Article writing on need to educate girl child - This forces the girl to focus on the household work. By leveraging the Government’s existing investment in schools and by engaging with … As of May 2020, the Bank has reached USD$1.49 billion.. Increased economic growth. The rights should be given equally so that our country may nurture and excel. The Indian government initiated a campaign in 2014 called “Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child,” reinforcing the value of a girl’s life and young girls need … Educate Girls’ is a non-profit organization in India, established in 2007, founded by Safeena Husain, that works towards girls' education in India's rural and educationally backward areas by mobilising communities.. The Key has all of the talking points, pitch decks, facts and infographics you need to make the case for education. Girls’ Education is an aspect that has been emphasized in our society and across the globe for several decades. Education for the girls is more important as she not only builds the home but all routine responsibilities are taken care of by her. The girl child is at an increased risk of. Their achievements have to be celebrated as much as boys’ are. When she was in the womb, she was forced to miss the moment when she was supposed to enter the world. Girls should not feel lesser because of their gender. All kids living in the United States have the right to a free public education. Ending child marriage would generate large welfare benefits through a reduction in population growth, helping to usher in the demographic dividend. is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. Research shows that better female education is correlated with lower rates of poverty and improved health. DO ALL KIDS HAVE THE RIGHT TO AN EQUAL EDUCATION? Not only is this a violation of their human rights, it is also one of the most … We need to understand that girls are no way less than boys. ‘Need to educate women on consumer rights’ Special Correspondent VIJAYAWADA, January 16, 2021 09:19 IST ... Motorcycle awareness rally on road safety, girl child. The main difficulty is that the decision by a girl (or her parents) ... impacts, and the need to guarantee the right for girls not to marry early if they do not want to. Powerful Partnerships to Empower Girls The Need for Girls' Education. An educated girl can take decision with an open mind and can fight against all social evils like child marriage, female infanticide, dowry, domestic violence. Photo: A girl from the Miao indigenous group attends primary school in China. You might be surprised, but even such a small measure as this can improve the situation with girl child education in Nigeria. Under the initiative of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’, several social organizations have come forward to build toilet at girl schools. A woman who receives formal education is more likely than an uneducated woman to use contraception, marry later, have fewer children, and be better informed on the nutritional needs of her children . In ancient time girl’s education had a significant place in the society. Studies show that high-quality education early in a child’s life leads to continued success later in school, at work, and leads to better well-rounded emotionally and socially. BY ANITA SANNI MUSNAT. You decide to write an article for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Girl child needs a good education the support’. Girls education is like sowing the seed which gives rise to green, cheerful and full grown family plant. Essay on Save Girl Child: Today the women are in fierce competition with the male population, especially in India. Representative image/Reuters National Girl Child Day focuses on the need to address the challenges of gender bias in our society and the whole purpose of the day is to change society’s attitude towards females. The Key is a comprehensive information toolkit to equip you to make a robust case for education. Now the important of educating the girls is being felt. The poverty and illiteracy among the people is also big reason for not sending the girls to schools and colleges. Save Girl Child Essay 3 (200 words) Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country. Recognizing the importance of girls’ education ensures inclusive and quality schooling for all students. Education for a girl child means making the next generation well educated, full of virtues, free from the useless superstitions, confident and capable to do something good for the family, for the society and for the country as a whole. It is a process of developing the knowledge and skills of the girl children and women in the society. Despite evidence demonstrating how central girls’ education is … Cost. Our present Prime Minister has requested every section of the society to give whole-hearted support to the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao“ abhiyan (initiative). Elizabeth King … 4. Ignoring her, keeping her illiterate means we are creating an illiterate and ignorant generation. Students … The initiative also aims are protecting, safeguarding, supporting, and educating the girl child. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Women’s social conditions started deteriorating with the passage of time. Instead of giving them education, they are being subjected to sufferings under Purdah System, Child marriage. Despite large gains in girls’ education over the last 25 years, today there are at least 80 countries where momentum has stalled. Need to educate a girl child article Get the answers you need, now! Those are the things that give them something to write and talk about. Whether a bond of blood or circumstance this relationship shapes the child’s character. Education is the only utility which can empower girls. The various awakening programmes launched by the government for encouraging the girls education, the introduction of TV’s in rural areas, the 33% reservation given to females in Panchayats, have played positive role in this direction. While child marriage has cultural roots, poverty plays a huge role, said Dolores Dixon, executive director in Canada for Camfed, a non-profit working in … Another reason for the deprivation of girl education is the child marriage. Education is beneficial for the female herself and her family. 'Girls are the most disadvantaged, particularly in south and west Asia, where 80% of out-of-school girls are unlikely to start school, compared to just 16% for boys.' National Girl Child Day focuses on the need to address the challenges of gender bias in our society and the whole purpose of the day is to change society’s attitude towards females. Last Updated: January 24, 2021, 11:07 IST FOLLOW US ON: Every year, India celebrates National Girl Child Day on January […] Article Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples An article is an expression of one’s thought on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful paragraphs. Save the girl child, educate the girl child) is a campaign of the Government of India that aims to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India. If girls are able to go to school and get an education it means … Specifically in Ghana and as well as many other African countries, there is the need for everyone to have access to formal education, especially the feminine and this is due to the following reasons. Article writing on need to educate girl child. Here are essays of varying lengths on Girl Education to help you with the topic in your exam. Every year 15 million girls under the age of 18 are married. Female feticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. Early marriage makes completing education almost impossible for girls The relationship between child marriage and educational attainment for girls is also strong. If these representatives are educated the implementation of the programs will be a grand success. - Queen Rania of JordanThe bond between a mother and a child is unique and enduring. The mindset that a girl is a liability should be changed. Parents feel that the education of girls is a wastage as they will go to their husbands after marriage and more dowry have to be paid for a more educated girl. Prepare a speech. This article first appeared in the print edition on March 4, 2020 under the title ‘Educate and empower’. The reasons for child marriage and a lack of education for girls are complex and interlinked, said Heather Hamilton, deputy executive of Girls not Brides. Rightly said that God made the mother because He could not be present every where. The ‘save the child girl, educate the girl child’ initiative is actively supported by the Government, corporate groups, human rights activists and NGOS. Employing more female teachers. In some states female infanticide is prevalent even today. Lost your password? Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched in 2015 for the welfare of women. And the children of an educated mother are more likely to survive. The corporate India, as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is also earmarking funds for the welfare of school going girls. With education, she would break the shell of ignorance and open that of self-discovery. article writing on need to educate girl child In recent years, the situation with education has significantly improved, but there are still several issues with the girl child education. 2. Cross-country studies show that an extra year of schooling for girls reduces fertility rates by 5 to 10 per cent. We need to stop seeing African women as tools for sex and creatures that can only succeed at cooking or other ‘traditional’ female activities. – Isabel Bysiewicz Photo: Flickr Today’s girl child will be the mother of tomorrow. Our mission is to liberate knowledge. Thus, investing the money for her education is regarded as waste. Need to educate the girl child article. She’ll likely send her children to school – and even live a longer life. Article shared by. Focusing international efforts on girls’ education 21 More resources are needed 21 Donor actions in support of country-led development 22 International organisations need to work together for girls’ education 23 Civil society’s role in building global momentum and local support 24 5. It is said when you educate a girl child, you educate an entire family. National Girl Child Day is celebrated every year on 24th January. This includes educating them through regular schooling system so that they acquire basic literacy but also includes development of skills and knowledge of girl children to make them more employable in the future. However, as the rule of fair-play necessitates, we will also highlight briefly the arguments against the girl child education and let you draw your ultimate conclusion. Your email address will not be published. Article writing on need to educate girl child - Look at the visuals given below and give suggestions to improve the position of the girl child for the social and economic develop country. Elevating the level of girls education is vital to improving the lives of girls and people everywhere. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. 5. The present day girl is the mother of tomorrow. ♦ Points to Remember: Give a title that catches the attention of the reader. Conclusion: Girl child education isn’t one to take for granted and this has made many NGO’s in India to pick up interesting to educate the girl child. That women might have the chance of a healthier and happier life should be reason enough for promoting girls' education. When a mother is educated, her generation is already educated. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (transl. Since 2012, the United Nations marks 11 October as the ‘International Day of the Girl Child’. We need to stop seeing women as liabilities. At every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, education and living standard. If we wish to see India progress and develop, we need to educate our girl child. Save the girl child, educate the girl child) is a campaign of the Government of India that aims to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India. Girls do not have equal access to education and educational institutions as observed in low attendance rate, high drop-outs, low completion rates and repetition rates in schools and colleges. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (transl. This is a crisis and we know the single best approach to improving the status of women is through education. How to write a psychology research review paper. Education has been held as a vital element to improve the status of girl child and woman. Headlines like girl babies found abandoned in dumpsters, public gatherings and even trains are commonplace. If we educate a girl, we educate a family – and a whole nation.” By sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive an education. (100-120 … Increasing a girl’s access to education decreases her risk of contracting HIV and improves future child and maternal health. Make schools safe for girls. That fertility happens once girls start having periods and boys start producing semen. It is a great belief of people in India that for a girl it is more important to become genius in household works than getting education. Share with your friends. Working in partnership with the Government, the community, and with the help of community volunteers (called Team Balika), Educate Girls has helped ensure higher enrolment and attendance for girls as well as improved learning outcomes for all children. However, there are also important benefits for society as a whole. Let us all work together for the educational empowerment of all our girls and work towards making a New India. Child marriage indeed goes both ways reduces a girl’s education prospects, but a lack of education opportunities or education of low quality together with limited employment prospects for better educated girls are some of the factors that leads to child marriage as well. Before publishing your Article on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Swami Vivekananda has rightly said, “Educate your women first and leave them to themselves, then they will tell you what reforms are needed.”. We must understand that if we educate a man, we educate an individual but if we educate a woman, we educate the entire family. But things are being changed, though slowly, but gradually. Yet, girls are disadvantaged when it comes to getting an education. That both boys and girls are able to have babies after they have reached puberty. Article 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC), 1989 deals with the ensure the right to education, that means every states have to sure compulsory education and available without any cost, encourage the development of secondary education and vocational education and also government have to provide financial support if needed Has technology become a new addiction essay 200 words india's new education policy essay in hindi essay about tiger in bengali essay girl save child Short on and educate. Give them something to write and talk about is on the chopping block in society. Child ” is a liability should be reason enough for promoting girls education. This forces the girl to focus on the importance of girls education is the because... The visuals given below and give suggestions to improve the position of girl... It includes three community stu, carol tice, article writing on need to up. 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