
american constitution society bylaws

Name . The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, President-elect, Immediate Past-President, Executive Director, Treasurer, Editor or Co-editors, and four Councilors. 1. The Treasurer shall administer the finances of the Society subject to budgetary and other regulations, which at all times shall be open to inspection by the Executive Committee; shall obtain the approval by a majority mail or email vote of the Executive Committee for expenditures over $5,000.00 USD; shall keep account of membership dues, maintain the membership list, and provide the mailing list for publications of the Society; shall be responsible for submitting tax returns and paying taxes as required and maintaining the Society’s non-profit charitable status, currently designated as 501(c)(3) by the United States Internal Revenue Code; shall arrange for occasional audits of the Society’s finances; shall maintain Society bank accounts and online payment services; shall be responsible for the Society’s long-term financial planning; shall submit reports of the financial condition of the Society, which shall include a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement from the previous year, and a projected budget for the following year; shall report on agreements with other co-operating organizations at the Annual Meeting that affect the Society finances; and shall work closely with the Executive Director to ensure smooth functioning of the Society. The Immediate Past-President will be chairperson of the Nominating Committee. The amendment and provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and shall supersede and nullify all previous amendments and provisions not mentioned herein. Section 2. Section I: Constitution of the Society of American Archivists Bylaws of The American Constitution Society, Chicago-Kent Chapter. C&B has at least 12 members, several associates, one or two consultants, a staff liaison, and liaisons from other committees (e.g. Section 9 – Registration and Dues. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Society. Section 2. Likewise, anyone may buy any of the Society’s publications individually at a rate set by the Executive Committee. Section 1. of the. Joint sessions with other professional organizations may also be called from time to time. The organization described herein shall be named, as in the Articles of Incorporation under Chapter 180 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the American Vacuum Society, Section 3. amended 11/19/2009 . Section 2. NAME. The Editor(s) shall be eligible for reappointment for an indefinite numbers of terms of office. The official publications of the Society shall include the Journal of the American Musicological Society, the AMS Newsletter, the Journal of Music History Pedagogy, Musicology Now, the Directory, and such publications as are controlled by the Board of Directors and the Publications Committee. AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE. BYLAWS. All votes shall be conducted by simple majority. Nothing in a section's Statement of Organization and Procedures may be construed as contradictory to the Constitution and Bylaws or Operational Guide of the Society. Florida Chapter American Fisheries Society. Section 5. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ADDICTION MEDICINE, INC. CONSTITUTION. Editor. This organization shall be called "The American Ophthalmological Society." This organization shall be known as “The American Constitution Society of Lewis & Clark Law School,” “The American Constitution Society,” or “ACS.”. Section 2. The list of nominees shall be mailed to the individual members of the Society in accord with the provisions in Article III, Section 4 of the By-Laws. The Society shall have the power to take all lawful action appropriate to the achievement of its purposes and conforming to the provisions of its constitution and By-Laws. Article IX – Referendum Last updated June 6, 2017. Executive Committee. The Editor(s), along with the Executive Director and Treasurer, shall consult and interact with co-operating organizations as directed by the Executive Committee in order to fulfill the publication responsibilities of the Society. Suggested changes to the document should be send to the National Headquarters. The Constitution and Bylaws of the Society shall be subject to alteration or repeal as described in Article V, Section 1 of the Constitution. Section 3. ACS realizes the promises of the U.S. Constitution by building and leading a diverse legal community that dedicates itself to advancing and defending democracy, justice, equality, and liberty; to securing a government that serves the public interest; and to … Article III – Elections The Editor or Co-Editors shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and serve a five-year term. Member Society. Under the Constitution, the AMA is composed of individual members who are represented in the House of Delegates through state associations and other constituent associations, national medical specialty societies and other entities. All bylaws shall be read and all future bylaws shall be enacted in compliance with all pertinent rules of conduct of Kent and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Section 1. in the winter, spring, summer, and fall, unless otherwise provided for by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. In the event that the Society should enter into agreements with other co-operating organizations for the publication and production of Ethnohistory, then the Editor(s) and a representative of the production organization shall jointly make decisions, subject to review by both parties, about the production of Ethnohistory. Delta Hospice Bylaws Please follow the link to read our bylaws. No part of the earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the Society shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of the Constitution. All applications shall be approved upon payment of specified dues. Helen Hornbeck Tanner Student Conference Paper Award. Treasurer. Today, most medical societies are organized under state corporation laws usually as not-for-profit corporations with articles of incorporation (sometimes referred to as a Certificate of Incorporation Elections shall be administered by this Committee. Voting shall be by mail ballot. The fiscal year of the Society shall be from 01 November to 31 October. A member society shall be elected to membership in the Institute by the Member Society Council. The Society shall be operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes. The executive board shall consider issues in good faith that have been requested for attention by the membership. In accordance with Article IV, Section 3 of the By-Laws, any surplus funds collected under the Society’s name will also be turned over to the Treasurer at this time. Section 1. The Society shall maintain membership in such organizations that advance the mission, goals and strategic plan of the Society. The Society shall be organized exclusively for scientific and educational purposes. ARTICLE II. texas society, sons of the american revolution . The Chapter will subscribe to the constitution, Bylaws, Rules of Policy and Procedure, and the Code of Ethics as adopted by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Membership is open to all individuals concerned with ethnohistoric research on application and payment of dues. The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the Society. Such action of the Executive Committee may be overruled by the Society at its Annual Meeting. If the matter is deemed controversial to the membership, then the board will submit it to a vote of the membership. The Board of Editors, containing from six to twelve positions, will serve in staggered terms of three years. Acting on advice and consent of the Executive Committee the President shall appoint all necessary committees and define their duties. Application for membership in the Society shall be submitted to the Treasurer or an organization so designated acting on behalf of the Society, and shall state the name and address of the applicant. Dues for those to whom membership is open will be $10, payable to ACS National at. Section 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Two or more members of the Society may object in writing to the Executive Committee about the membership of any individual in the Society, and the Executive Committee shall review the objections. Society of American Archivists. ARTICLE I. The Book Review, Associate, and Assistant Editors shall serve concurrently with and under the direction of the Editor(s), to whom they shall be responsible. Section 6. All meetings of the executive board shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order upon the request of one officer; otherwise, the meetings shall proceed informally, according to the agenda. Questions shall be decided by the Executive Committee by a majority of the votes cast. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. 2. ... including the Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and the Policies and Procedures of the Society, and for making recommendations to the Board and the Council of any appropriate changes. Constitution of the American Society of Military Comptrollers The ASMC National Constitution and Bylaws, updated 11 September 2013, are available here. SECTION 3. Article I. Such an organization shall be named and agreed upon by two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. In case of a mail or electronic ballot upon an amendment, members shall send ballots to the Executive Director and place them in the mail or post them electronically not more than thirty days from the date they were mailed or posted by the Executive Director. The Constitution and By-Laws may also be amended by mail or electronic ballot provided that a proposed amendment is approved by a majority of the votes cast. Article IV – Finances The organizers shall maintain close contact during the organization period with the Executive Director, President, and Treasurer in order to insure timely communication with the Executive Committee and all Society members about deadlines, scheduled dates, Society business matters, and program contents. ARTICLE II. Section 2. Changes in the November 1, 2020 edition were effected by the Petition to Clarify Amendments to the Standing Rules. A quorum at the board meetings will consist of a majority of the board. Section 4. Constitution and Bylaws ARTICLE I. Article III – Powers AMERICAN VACUUM SOCIETY Constitution & By-laws CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I: Name and Charter Section 1: Name. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, INC.  CONSTITUTION. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of its membership. Notwithstanding any provision of the Constitution or Bylaws which might be susceptible to contrary constructions: Section 1. The American Constitution Society officers shall be members of the American Constitution Society Executive Board, which will meet periodically to determine the general direction of the American Constitution Society and to decide issues of long-term importance to the American Constitution Society. This Society is a part of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. BY-LAWS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ETHNOHISTORY Article I – Membership Section 1. The Constitution establishes the basic principles of the AMA and the Bylaws provide the framework for the governance and administration of the Association. constitution. The name of this Corporation shall be “American Peony Society” (APS). Name, Purposes and Organization. The President-elect shall not be eligible for re-election to that office for five years following expiration of the term of office. The Executive Committee shall also authorize issuance of the Society’s publications. No financial obligations in excess of funds available in the treasury shall be assumed by the Executive Committee or by any officer in behalf of the Society except when approved by a majority vote of the membership of the Society present at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting; provided that for this section, estimated receipts from annual dues and other accounts receivable for the current year may be considered as available funds. An annual meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held before the Annual Meeting of the Society. The official organ of the Society shall be known as Ethnohistory. No substantial part of the activities of the Society shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Society shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for political office. Councilors shall attend the meetings and participate in the business of the Executive Committee, serve on such sub-committees as may be established, and take on special assignments for the Executive Committee. Section 3. A member may resign upon written notification to the Treasurer. The Constitution and By-Laws of the American Society of Military Comptrollers is maintained by the National Executive Committee. Statement of Law Professors Calling on the Immediate Removal of Trump from Office. Society Affiliations. The committee’s recommendations are reviewed by the council and voted on by the board of directors, as described elsewhere in this document. Article V – Officers The Executive Director shall have general charge of administrative matters under the direction of the President; shall act as the Society’s liaison to conference organizers to provide the continuity and institutional memory necessary to ensure conferences meet members’ expectations, function effectively, and come in under budget; shall keep complete records including minutes of all the business meetings of the Society and meetings of the Executive Committee; shall maintain the Society web site; shall act as Society representative to other co-operating organizations in matters pertaining to responsibilities of this office and transmit communications, reports, and other matters as necessary from such organizations to the Executive Committee and Membership of the Society; shall send notices of meetings and circulate election notices and results to all members; shall attend to the ordinary correspondence of the Society; shall transmit to the Editors all information or correspondence that should be considered by them; shall submit reports of agreements with other co-operating organizations at the Annual Meeting; shall work with the prize committees to advertise the competitions, ensure timely choice of winners, notify winners, and prepare prizes for winners; and shall work closely with the Treasurer to ensure smooth functioning of the Society. Section 3. The membership of the Society shall consist of corporate members and associate members. Voluntary Withdrawal by a Member Society. Ballots shall be mailed to voting members or posted electronically by the Executive Director. An amendment shall go into effect immediately upon approval unless otherwise specifically provided. The proposed amendments shall be mailed or posted electronically to the members of the Society by the Executive Director at least thirty days before the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting. ARTICLE II Chicago-Kent Chapter of American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, ACS Chicago: A Conversation with Dahlia Lithwick & Geoffrey R. Stone on the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court Term, Awards and Recognition for the ACS and President Katherine LaRosa. American Elasmobranch Society CONSTITUTION (amended September 2019) Article I: Name. Download Entire PDF Document. Section 1. It recognizes all State Societies of the Sons of the American Revolution as co-equals entitled to receive from this Society such assistance and information as may best promote the objects for which these Societies have been organized. Section 2. Each committee, board, task force, working group, or other unit shall have guidelines approved and amended as necessary by the Council that set forth its purpose, size, composition, means of selection and length of terms of members and chair, reporting procedures, and duties and responsibilities. article i In recognition of our mutual aims and the esteem and good will we hold for the Flat-Coated Retriever Society in England, the name of this Society shall be the Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America, Inc. The four Councilors shall each be elected to serve a term of two years. The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee. Any matter of business may be decided at a Special Meeting provided notice of such business is specified in the call. Section 4. Section 4. The following articles, however, should suffice if a constitution is proposed: Section 1. Article VI. 1. The Immediate Past-President shall serve for one year in that office. The ACS Governing Documents include the Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Rules, Schedule of Membership, and Regulations of the Society. Article VII – Meetings Councilors. Therefore, if any provisions of this constitution shall at any time conflict with provisions adopted by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the provisions in the constitution and Bylaws shall become null and void. The Society of American Federal Medical Laboratory Scientists Constitution and Bylaws ARTICLE I NAME The name of this organization shall be “The Society of American Federal Medical Laboratory Scientists, Inc.,” organized under the Non-Stock corporation provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the State of Maryland. OBJECTS. All votes shall be conducted by simple majority. Within sixty days of the close of the Annual Meeting, the organizers will provide a brief report about membership participation, expenses, and all monies collected along with copies of the final program to the Executive Director and Treasurer for Society files. Executive Director. Section 3. Name. Active Members, including each party to a joint Membership, shall have one vote in the transactions of the business of the Society. Section 1. The official designation of members of this Society shall be “Compatriot”. Members shall receive notice of meetings of the executive board at least two days in advance of the meeting. In the event of a vacancy, through absence, death, resignation, or incapacity, in any elective office, other than that of President, the Executive Committee shall have the power to make interim appointment to the office for the remainder of the unexpired term. The board may include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Section Representative, or any other such position the board deems necessary. The President, Executive Director, and Treasurer shall sign all written contracts authorized by the Executive Committee, except that basic contracts for printing and other matters necessary to Society publications shall also be signed or reviewed by the Editor. The executive board shall meet monthly, except during the examination period, and the summer intersession. A Councilor shall not be eligible for re-election to that office for two years following expiration of the term of office. Section 5. lt. nathan gann chapter. SECTION 2. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I. In all matters of order and business not specified in this Constitution and By-Laws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the means of resolving disagreements and conducting the Annual Business Meeting. Section 2. Article I – Name Section 4. For the Councilors and for the two elected members of the Nominations Committee, the Nominations Committee shall nominate at least two and not more than three member candidates. constitution and bylaws of the american radium society, inc. constitution article i: name the society shall be known as the american radium society, inc. Section 6. Article I – Name and Purpose. constitution and bylaws. The Society shall hold an Annual Meeting under provisions as specified in Article II of the By-Laws at a time and a place to be designated by the Executive Committee. Section 1. Section 7. The constitution and bylaws committee is charged with maintaining and, as necessary, recommending updates to the Society’s constitution and bylaws. ARTICLE I – NAME & ORGANIZATION. The name and title of this organization shall be the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Inc. (ASAM) hereinafter referred to as the Society. The Society shall have the power to receive, administer, and disburse, dues and other grants to further its ends; to assign the collection of dues on its behalf to other co-operating organizations through mutual agreement; to acquire, hold absolutely or in trust for the purposes of the Society, and to convey property, real and personal; to publish reports, newsletters, bulletins, journals, and monographs; to affiliate with other organizations in the pursuit of common aims, and to appoint delegates or representatives to such organizations; and to engage in such other activities as are in keeping with the purpose of the Society. Purposes. Section 5. The American Constitution Society is a national organization of law students, law professors, practicing lawyers and others. The Executive Director and Treasurer shall each be elected to serve a term of five years. ARTICLE XIV – AMENDMENTS. — Meetings The Society shall hold at least one scientific meeting and one General Assembly of the membership of the Society every two years. The Society shall consist of various categories of membership including Active Members, Student Members, Life Members, Sustaining Members, Corporate Members, Emeritus Members and Honorary Members. Sample Chapter Constitution and ByLaws (Cleveland Chapter) ARTICLE I - Name Section 1. At a Special Meeting provided notice of such business is specified in the Society is part. Announced by the membership, then the board will submit it to vote. Shall meet monthly, except during the thirty-day period shall constitute the deciding vote ARTICLES of INCORPORATION the! 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